Promo Codes

Below you will find all of my current brand promo codes. Some of these are affiliate links, so I may earn a commission if you make a purchase through my link (at no cost to you). If they expire I’ve noted the date below.


Use code JAK15 for 15% off your purchase. Valid through 12.31.22.


My exclusive skincare kit is back for a limited time! Use code JESSANNKIRBY15 for an additional 15% off your first purchase.


JAK10 for $10 towards your order at checkout. Expires 3.31.22.

Equilibria CBD

Use code JESSANNKIRBY for 15% off your first purchase. My daily CBD routine is a Daily Gummy in the morning and as needed, a Daily Softgel at night an hour before bed and the relief balm as needed for pain, soreness, cramps, etc.


JAK15 for 15% off your purchase.

Ritual Multivitamin

Use code JESSK10 for 10% off your first 3 months.

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