15 Workouts to Do Outside This Summer

By Kelley Boymer
12 Jul 2022

Summer is an excellent time to take advantage of exercising outdoors. The warm sun, cool breezes, birds singing, and brilliant greens make it the best place to get a workout in. If you aren’t the type to hit up the gym or lift weights, there are so many ways to get your body moving. You won’t even notice you’re breaking a sweat, because you’ll be so distracted by the beauty of the outdoors and how much fun you are having! A workout that doesn’t feel like one, in my opinion is the best kind. Today I rounded up 15 workouts you can do while outside this summer. Take advantage of this gorgeous weather while it lasts.

15 Workouts to Do Outside This Summer

Stand-Up Paddle Boarding

Do not be fooled, stand-up paddle boarding may appear relaxing and easy from an onlooker’s perspective but it is a full-body workout. It requires a serious amount of balance and core strength but is also incredibly peaceful gliding along a pond, lake or ocean. Looking to invest in your own Paddleboard? Blow-up paddle boards are great because they are easy to assemble, enjoy and break down into a small compact compartment to get to and from where you need to go. You could even try stand-up paddleboard yoga for an extra challenge! Yoga Journal gives some great tips for beginners!

Hiking, Walking or Running

Walking and running may be the simplest of outdoor workouts, but it is something you can do every day, even if just for 10 or 20 minutes. The benefits of being outside for your body and mind are numerous! You can simply take a walk out your door down the street, around the block or into the woods. If you are looking for more of an adventure look into local hikes or walks in your area. Make a list of the ones you would like to do throughout the summer to try to switch it up. Changing up scenery does wonders.

We all get comfortable in our favorite walk, but trying something new can be so rewarding. Invite a friend or make it a family affair. Bring bug spray, sunblock, snacks, and water. Make sure to wear proper shoes and clothing for the weather as well! If you are in the Woodstock area try Mount Tom or Mount Peg for a great hike and lovely view at the summit.


Whether you are the bicycle basket kind of person or the adventurous mountain biker, biking is a fun and enjoyable outdoor workout. E-bikes have made it possible to travel even farther distances without all the huff and puff. If you are in the Woodstock area try out Woodstock Wheels. It’s a wonderful way to rent an e-bike and receive access to pre-mapped routes showing you the best of Vermont’s scenery.

Workouts to Do Outside This Summer


Golfing is known for being a sport you can enjoy throughout your lifetime. It requires a lot of patience and skill and can be incredibly frustrating if you can’t quite figure it out. We suggest taking a lesson if you are new or haven’t hit for a few years. Better to start on the right note. There are so many technicalities in golf it is key not to over think it. Have fun and enjoy the strokes that make that incredibly satisfying sizzle sound. You’ll know what I’m talking about when it happens.

Play Pickle Ball

Pickle ball is on my bucket list for the summer! I haven’t played, but I love tennis and hear it is similar and like a fun mini tennis game. For those who aren’t tennis players, I think pickle ball is a little easier to pick up on the fly. Maybe gather a group of friends and plan to learn together. Check out your local courts or club for lessons or group classes.


Kayaking and canoeing are so relaxing and peaceful. My husband and I got a blow up kayak for our wedding a few years ago and we love it. Although people have so kindly told us it’s also known as a “divorce wagon” so far so good for us! We love heading to our local lake, Silver Lake in Barnard, Vermont and cruising around, dreaming about owning waterfront property someday and stopping at various points to swim and relax. Bonus, it’s a great arm and core workout! Although I usually let my husband do most of the work…


Yoga is my go to summer workout and spiritual practice and I have been practicing almost exclusively outside. It really adds to the meditative focus and brings me back to the present moment. I have been teaching a sunrise yoga class at 6am on Wednesday mornings outdoors at our local pond. Watching the sunrise over the mountains, ducklings cross the pond, fawn squeak after its mother and birds singing is quite magical. It’s such a lovely start to the day after the whole getting up early part is over. Look for local outdoor yoga classes in your area! You won’t be disappointed!

Play Tennis

My husband and I just had a day date for our anniversary and played a game of tennis together. It had been a while and he won even though I was the one who played tennis in high school… but it was so fun! A healthy dose of competition is so rejuvenating for the soul! Grab a friend or partner and play singles or grab a few friends and try a game of doubles. Check out Jess’s post on her favorite tennis gear!

My Top 10 Must Have Tennis Gear


I’m not a baller, but for those that are this is a great way to break a sweat and get your heart beat up quickly! Get a group of people together for weekly pick up games at a local court under the lights or bring your family and play together.


We danced our hearts out at a local outdoor music festival last week and it is so nourishing for the soul! Dancing releases stress and is such a great full-body workout. Hit up some local outdoor music or blast some tunes in your backyard and move your body! It feels so freeing to be out moving amongst the mountains, trees and fields!


If you have access to a beach with waves, surfing is an incredible way to immerse yourself in the ocean and get your heart pumping. It’s a meditative practice that will free your mind of anything but living in the moment and catching waves. There are a lot of wave pools popping up now too, so even if you’re landlocked look into trying an artificial wave!



Swimming in a lake, pond, pool or ocean is yet another way to release stress, anxiety and depression. The cold shock to your body actually has many great benefits for your mindset and body. The water is also much gentler on your joints and muscles and is a great way to stay active when you are trying to heal from an injury. Looking to try something new? How about a mermaid class? Mermaid fins are apparently the new thing this summer and you can take a class to learn how to swim with one. This looks like a great workout! And you can live out all your childhood dreams while doing it. Why not?


Neighbors of ours mowed a soccer field in their yard with nets and host a weekly soccer night. It’s a great way to get people together weekly during the summer for some outdoor, competitive fun. Another way to break a sweat and increase your heart rate while having fun. Looking to take your soccer game to the next level? Try bubble soccer! Kids and adults alike will love it and you won’t stop laughing the entire time!


Volleyball is another fun, competitive team sport that can be done with a group of friends or family. Round up your troops, make teams and find a local volleyball court or take it to the beach.

Rock Climbing

For thrill seekers, rock climbing is a great way to get out and enjoy the boulders. Not for the faint of heart, make sure you have the proper gear and training. Always go with a buddy and take necessary precautions. Rock climbing will challenge you and make you feel satisfied as you conquer fears and work towards new limits.

What are your favorite outdoor workouts during the summer? Let us know in the comments below!

Workouts to Do Outside This Summer

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