This is the Coolest Water Bottle Ever

Jess Ann Kirby uses the Larq water bottle to reduce single use plastic and get clean water while travelling

Quite a statement to make, I know, but seriously the LARQ is pretty freaking cool. As I am sure most of you know by now I have been on a quest to eliminate single use plastic as much as possible from my life, plastic water bottles was one of the first things go. Traveling is my biggest challenge. I can bring a reusable bottle, but I don’t know how clean the water is. This is why LARQ is amazing. It’s a self-cleaning, water purifying water bottle, that also keeps beverages cool for up to 24 hours. No need to worry about filters, the bottle has a rechargeable UV-C light that at the touch of a button, kills up to 99.99% of bacteria and viruses. It also looks super sleek and comes in a bunch of awesome colors. The usb port is waterproof and the LARQ can hold a single charge for 1-2 months. It’s a great gift idea for the holidays, don’t be surprised if they appear in one of my upcoming gift guides. Anything that helps the environment and makes it easier to drink clean water is a win in my book. I’m super excited about this technology and can’t wait to treat a few people on my list to a LARQ.

Jess Ann Kirby refills her Larq water bottle for a more sustainable option for water
Jess Ann Kirby refills her Larq water bottle from the sink and let's the built in filters clean the water
Jess Ann Kirby brings her Larq water bottle where ever she goes, especially traveling
Jess Ann Kirby takes her Larq water bottle on a fall beach day
Jess Ann Kirby is prepared for fall with her Larq water bottle and Dolce Vita boots
Jess Ann Kirby now uses her Larq water bottle to replace single use plastic bottles

Shop the LARQ

Thanks to LARQ for partnering with me on this post. All opinions expressed are my own.

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  1. Rach wrote:

    You are right and this water bottle is the coolest! I love that it can kill 99% of bacteria! That is amazing!

    10.24.18 | Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Right? I love the design, they did such a good job with that. Such a game changer for travel, that was the one thing where I struggled with not buying plastic water bottles. Can’t wait to give this as a gift for Christmas.

      10.24.18 | Reply
  2. Wow seems fantastic – didn’t know anything about it before now – so thanks for sharing!!

    Rebecca |

    10.24.18 | Reply
  3. omg, i literally bought this bottle the monday after our GE trip because i was annoyed at how gross my swell bottle got during the trip. and here you are a few days later posting about how awesome it is!!! it’s kismet.

    10.24.18 | Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Ok soooo, full transparency, I had to google kismet, but yes, 100% kismet! Haha. xx

      10.24.18 | Reply
  4. This is seriously the COOLEST. They recently sent me one and I’m obsessed with it – really wish I had it with me this summer for all of my more adventurous travels!!!

    10.24.18 | Reply
  5. Jessica wrote:

    I love the design of the bottle, So chic! also where are those bangin boots from? love them!

    10.25.18 | Reply
  6. Angel wrote:

    Ok #1 your boots. Everything.

    Also, the bottle is beautiful and I love the ease of use however I wonder is the UV filtration process safe? I may be living under a rock but I’ve never heard of it before. Does the water have a unique flavor?

    10.30.18 | Reply