Vegan Blueberry Pancake Recipe

Craig has had either pancakes or waffles for breakfast basically every single morning since I’ve known him (and long before that). So to say he’s a bit of a pancake connoisseur would be an understatement. When Krista and I set out to make these pancakes we turned to this recipe from Wallflower Kitchen but put our own spin on it. And as we started cooking, Craig stepped in and basically took over, because to get perfect pancakes, we learned, is a bit of a science. With a few pointers from Craig and some of Krista’s favorite ingredients we ended up with a delicious, fluffy stack of vegan blueberry pancakes that were 100% Craig (and puppy) approved. The perfect Christmas morning breakfast.
Jess Ann Kirby shares her recipe for vegan blueberry pancakes that make the perfect holiday morning breakfast


3/4 cup flour
1 tbsp cornstarch
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup almond milk
olive oil and ghee (ghee is not vegan but Craig loves it, you can substitute for vegan butter)
maple syrup (to serve and 3 tbsp for pancake recipe)
blueberries (fresh or frozen – we used small frozen)
cinnamon (just a dash for flavor)


  1. Mix dry ingredients together in a large bowl.
  2. Stir in the acv, almond milk and maple syrup until all ingredients are well mixed (make sure to get rid of any lumps).
  3. Pour batter onto frying pan greased with olive oil and ghee on medium-high heat and add blueberries (sprinkle on the batter)
  4. Turn heat down to medium and cook first side until there’s tiny bubbles around all edges. Flip and cook the other side.
  5. Serve with ghee, maple syrup and devour!
Jess Ann Kirby makes puppy-approved vegan blueberry pancakes for weekend brunch

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  1. Mallory wrote:

    The pancakes sound yummy but I have to say I love the pic of your two pooches next to the pancakes. I have to ask:Did the pancakes last after the pic? One of my dogs loved to snarf pancakes off the breakfast table. It was hilarious to see him with a pancake hanging out of his mouth as he ran down the hallway from the kitchen;-)

    Merry Christmas to you both!

    12.17.17 | Reply
  2. Natali wrote:

    Yummm! Just sounds and looks so perfect! I’ll be making those over the weekend. 🙂

    12.17.17 | Reply
  3. Lynn wrote:

    Yummm. Those pancakes look so good and such a cozy fire going. Love the doggies and how they love each other . Wishing you both a happy, healthy Merry Christmas!!!

    12.17.17 | Reply
  4. What pretty puppies!!

    12.17.17 | Reply
  5. Meghan wrote:

    These look amazing. I have to try them out.
    Meghan |

    12.19.17 | Reply