Click. Read. Love.

newport-ri-snow-day-jess-ann-kirbyLet it snow, let it snow, let it snow. After what felt like the longest week EVER we’re pretty excited to wake up to a nice dusting of snow. It just makes for the coziest weekends. Without even knowing it, we both made “me time” a goal for the new year, so Friday afternoons are reserved for a little pampering. It’s so important to practice self care and it’s so easy to push it aside. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself, you deserve it. Happy weekend.
Jess (J) and Caylin (C)

If you’re looking for something to buy, try, read, share or pin, we’ve got you covered. Here’s the best of the week…

Have you guys watched the modern day take on Sherlock Holmes? The latest season of Sherlock is on, check it out if you haven’t. It’s fantastic.

So many of these places are on my travel bucket list. (J)

Not everyone wants to have kids and that’s OK, here’s a well-written deep dive on why not wanting children is entirely normal.

Trying to eat healthy in 2017? This genius tip will make your morning oatmeal taste well, not so much like oatmeal.

I couldn’t resist this coat and of course it’s already almost sold out. So cozy. (J)

Intimacy of any kind means giving someone everything they need to destroy you and having faith that they won’t. Here are four questions you should ask yourself before you trust someone.

It’s that time of year again, all you want to do is curl up with a rich bowl of soup or stew. Voila! All the recipes you’ll need for the whole winter.

Mindfulness is such a buzzword these days. We liked these real world ways to slow life down a bit.

Guys, there’s a new Girl Scout cookie flavor and don’t worry, we have it on good authority that it’s delicious.

A homemade Bolognese sauce is an art form, this recipe looks pretty darn good!

Just in case you already feel stuck with your 2017 resolutions.

Holy yum, this recipe had me at kale and caramelized onions. (C)

Disclosure: if you buy something through the links on this blog, we may earn an affiliate commission. We only feature products we would personally recommend. Thank you for your support.

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  1. I still have to watch the new season of Sherlock! I love every episode I’ve seen so far. I just finished a short series I think you would like on Netflix, called Bletchley Circle. Sort of like a women’s detective circle meets Sherlock and solve crimes that the police can’t. Only a few episodes but I enjoyed them!

    1.7.17 | Reply
    • Caylin Harris wrote:

      Very cool! Thanks so much for the recommendation Stephanie. I’m going to check it out. I love that each episode of Sherlock feels like a mini movie. It helps me slow down when watching them. Keep those TV recs coming!

      1.7.17 | Reply
  2. Cat wrote:

    There are so many awesome links on this post! I can’t wait to check them out!

    Cat //

    1.8.17 | Reply