We Bought A House!

Honestly the reality of it all still hasn’t quite hit me. You may remember in my 2017 Goals post I wrote about how we wanted to buy a house. That was our main goal this year. When I wrote that post, I never thought we would be where we are today so quickly.We started looking very casually last December, and in late January this house was listed. Based on the location alone we were really excited about it, so when we saw the house for the first time it was truly love at first sight. Given Craig’s experience in carpentry and plastering (his job before he came a full time photographer) we knew whatever house we bought we’d be able -and by we I mean Craig- to do a lot of the work ourselves. We saw this house the first day it came on the market and made an offer the same day. Living on Aquidneck Island the real estate market is really competitive, so we feel incredibly lucky to have ended up in this house. We’ve learned a lot along the way so I’ll definitely be sharing our experience as first-time home buyers. We are so excited to take you along on this journey, and to make this house our home. Make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel to watch the renovations unfold.


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  1. Natali wrote:

    Awww!! BIG congratulations!!! You guys are such an inspiration!


    4.2.17 | Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      You’re so sweet, thank you so much. xx

      4.2.17 | Reply
  2. Allie wrote:

    So awesome! Huge congrats!

    4.2.17 | Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Thank you so much!

      4.2.17 | Reply
  3. ann wrote:

    CONGRATULATIONS to you!!!!! Where on Aquidneck Island are you? What a wonderful 2017 goal met!! It is beautiful, and that yard!!! Cannot wait to see the changes you make to make it your own…so happy for you!

    4.2.17 | Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Thanks Ann! We are near Sweet Berry Farm. Love, love, love the yard. Very excited to make it our own. A bit overwhelmed but just happy to finally be in our own home. xx Jess

      4.2.17 | Reply
      • ann wrote:

        oh my gosh, what a beautiful area!!!!!!! love sweet berry farm! try not to be overwhelmed, truly try to enjoy this wonderful process!

        4.3.17 | Reply
  4. Ann wrote:

    Great house and property! I enjoyed the video tour and hearing you both speak. Much happiness in your new home.

    4.2.17 | Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Thank you so much! We are really excited. xx Jess

      4.2.17 | Reply
  5. Lisa wrote:

    Congratulations – Cute house! Love the yard. The kitchen, although not your taste is fine (for now), it’s new, not broken and works. Others would kill for it. Focus energy on bathrooms and maybe plumbing a (stackable?) washer dryer on the main level. Focus on ONE entrance door only (off living room) and do away with the other near fireplace as it didn’t make sense. Need more closet space? Check your eves on the outside of your house – there should be a 2′ overhang. Bump the wall out to the width of the eves without losing interior floor space. Owning a home is so much fun. Enjoy!

    4.2.17 | Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Great tips thanks Lisa! We are very excited. xx Jess

      4.2.17 | Reply
  6. Emily wrote:

    Congratulations! So exciting! Can’t wait to see all the reno.
    Em http://www.organicallyemily.com

    4.2.17 | Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Thank you so much, can’t wait to share the process.

      4.2.17 | Reply
  7. Jenn Lake wrote:

    Congrats you guys! SO exciting!

    4.2.17 | Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Thanks Jenn! Really exciting times ahead. xx

      4.5.17 | Reply
  8. Linda wrote:

    Huge congratulations! That’s so amazing and such a huge accomplishment! All the love for you two!

    Typically Linda || Instagram

    4.3.17 | Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Thank you so, so much Linda. xx

      4.5.17 | Reply
  9. Mallory wrote:

    Congrats!! Many, many years of happiness in your new home.

    4.3.17 | Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Thank you so much Mallory. xx

      4.5.17 | Reply
  10. Mary wrote:

    How awesome is this! Sorry, I am totally catching up on all your posts, and just so excited for you! We just bought our first home in January, and it has been so fun to make it our own. You have a beautiful place!!!

    4.5.17 | Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Thank you so much Mary! And congrats on your new home. It really is such a good feeling. xx

      4.5.17 | Reply
  11. Best of luck with the renovations !!

    4.7.17 | Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Thank you so much Jeff!

      4.8.17 | Reply
  12. Brenda wrote:

    I’m a stay at home mom looking to return to work. I’ve been out for 15 years!!!! I’m kind of reinventing myself at the moment. 🙂 My background is corporate and I’m looking to work in creative. I’m still trying to hone in on what I want specifically, but I’m interested in starting my own business in Fashion – styling, discovering new brands, maybe PR, etc…Check out my IG feed, @lafilledurock – I just started it. Any suggestions would be so helpful! Thx!

    4.9.17 | Reply
    • Jessica wrote:

      Thank you for the question Brenda. Stay tuned!

      4.11.17 | Reply