Comments on: How To Be On Your Phone Less A New England based lifestyle blog written and curated by Jess Ann Kirby. is a place to foster connection, creativity, and meaningful conversation. Wed, 20 Jul 2022 19:20:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mary Tue, 10 Aug 2021 11:49:17 +0000 In reply to dineen.

Excellent book, I agree. Thank for sharing your experience about “feeling a pull” to look at your phone even when engaged with your baby, I relate. I think we all experience this until we can break the habit, I used to pull out my phone – what felt like every few minutes – and do anything on it from checking the weather to email, I didn’t even have any social media accounts! It was really silly once I started to notice what I was doing.

By: Nancy Ruffin Mon, 09 Aug 2021 12:30:47 +0000 Love this! I actually delete Instagram during the week and only get on on the weekends now. I have found even on weekends I’m looking less because it’s not on my radar 24/7 anymore.
Also my DND goes on at 9 every night. I love that for emergencies people can get through so I stopped stressing about that. I’ve been doing this for a few years now. Such a game changer!!

By: dineen Sat, 07 Aug 2021 01:53:22 +0000 Thank you for sharing. This so deeply resonates with me! I recently read the book “Digital Minimalism” by Cal Newport and it has inspired my partner and I to make some BIG changes when it comes to how we interact with our phones, our relationship with social media, how we consume news, and even the intentionality of our overall lifestyle. I had been feeling vaguely sh*tty about my phone habits for a while now, and after catching myself repeatedly feeling a pull to look at my phone *while* playing with my baby girl, I decided I had to make a change. The perspective that the book offers was an absolute game-changer for me.

I’m imperfect and it’s definitely an ongoing process each day after years of using my phone so much, but it feels worth it. Anyway, wanted to share in case the book might be of interest/help to you or your followers!

By: Mary Wed, 04 Aug 2021 17:39:12 +0000 Hi there, I enjoyed this post and am a first time commenter but long time reader.

Between five-six years ago I deleted all social media apart from LinkedIn which I use as a business professional exclusively. This was a life changing move. I hope I may be proof that a reasonably young person (32) can live a rich and fulfilling life without it. I have taken a significantly gentler approach to the use of technology which has been valuable to both myself and those around me.

1. All technology remains in the office. I leave my computer and cell phone (my only tech-items) in the office, whether work or personal, I sit at the table to use my computer or I sit in a nearby chair to use my phone. It imbues a certain amount of dignity and meaning into the use of these devices that I was only able to experience through constant application of this practice.

2. I turn off my phone/computer at designated times each day. Formerly, I slept with my phone next to my bed, used it up until I went to sleep, went on it in the night when I couldn’t sleep and used it immediately upon waking. Now it remains in the office (all day and night) as if it was a landline and I turn it off around 9:00PM when I begin my unwinding routine and I turn it on around 8:00AM when I begin work. I also periodically turn it off in the day to feel totally disconnected, an example would be if we have guests, or a meal, or something lengthy that I would not want to be interrupted.

3. Lastly, I avoid taking my phone places in which I most likely don’t need it. Examples would be anything from a walk, to dinner with friends or the grocery store. When I began this practice at first it seemed impossible, but I learned to communicate to others that I would be inaccessible by phone, or take a paper grocery list, etc and in time it all smoothed out.

Once one creates the habit of disconnecting, it is simple. Friends and family or anyone who sees this normally considers it to be a marvel and is left in bewilderment as to how to implement these types of practices, but if I can do it anyone can.

By: Jess Tue, 03 Aug 2021 13:51:00 +0000 In reply to Jessica Camerata.

That’s a great idea. I used to leave my phone in another room and I don’t really know why I stopped but I should start that again.

By: Jess Tue, 03 Aug 2021 13:50:26 +0000 In reply to Amy.

Love that idea. I actually take Friday-Sunday morning off IG, but for the most part it’s completely off my phone too because I feel like it’s my “off” time. I feel like a new person on Sunday and usually don’t want to look at my phone after my break, ha.

By: Jess Tue, 03 Aug 2021 13:49:25 +0000 In reply to Alice.

Hahahah! Yeah, I should ask my Mom that, although she had three kids under 3 in the 80s and was an attorney, soooo…lol.

By: Amy Tue, 03 Aug 2021 11:15:26 +0000 These kinds of questions plague me as well. I love all of your suggestions, Jess! I read the book 24/6 by Tiffany Shlain last year and it really changed my life! It recommends a “tech Shabbat” where you out away everything digital starting Friday night and ending Saturday night. You could do it any day of the week but I find that an analog Saturday is a really lovely thing. there are also tips for how to carry digital hygiene throughout the week, not during the Shabbat. Highly recommend!!

By: Alice Tue, 03 Aug 2021 04:22:42 +0000 This is something I’ve been thinking about lately too, especially as a mom to a 1.5 year old. What kind of behavior am I modeling? And what am I *not* modeling doing? It’s easy to “escape” into my phone when bored, especially now that my kiddo can play a bit more independently. But what would I do without my phone? Something productive, read a book, watch my kid play? What hobbies and books am I missing out on because I think “I’ll just look for a few minutes,” and then 20 minutes pass by? That last one is a lie I tell myself over and over, and so much time gets lost! I’ve started wearing a watch again so that I don’t rely on my phone for the time, and therefore reach for it less. This is becoming kind of a disjointed ramble, but I think I need to ask myself, “what would my mom have done when I was a baby in the 80’s, without a phone?” And do that, more often ?

By: Jessica Camerata Mon, 02 Aug 2021 22:08:55 +0000 I leave my phone in the kitchen at night and rolling over in the morning is the BEST way to wake up. And since I have to walk Pork 5x a day, I never bring my phone. It’s really nice alone time with no distractions. I need to make more of a habit to leave the phone in the kitchen for hours during the day. With text on my computer (and social) I really don’t need it next to me to check all the time.

xo Jessica
an indigo day
