Comments on: To Botox Or Not, Examining The Decision To Get Botox A New England based lifestyle blog written and curated by Jess Ann Kirby. is a place to foster connection, creativity, and meaningful conversation. Fri, 29 Apr 2022 17:32:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: NC Fri, 29 Apr 2022 17:32:40 +0000 I’m not sure if I will get botox but this article insinuates that botox is a personal decision, but I actually don’t think of it as a choice that only impacts me. Deciding to get Botox would create unrealistic standards for my children about what women look like and what aging looks like, and it would also impact my friends, the other kids in my life, and especially the other women in my life–the younger I look, the older they will look even if they are just normally aging. It puts pressure on other people and it’s a lot of money that most women can’t afford.

By: beverlymedspa Mon, 25 Apr 2022 09:46:01 +0000 This blog is informative in illustrating how botox reduces wrinkles. Aso, this blog guides its readers on clearing the skin’s fine lines. Moreover, Botox is the best treatment that fits into the category of improving the overall skin and texture. It also enhances the skin’s appearance and helps to look younger. To know more about this treatment, you can visit our website.

By: Clare Sat, 16 Apr 2022 14:13:39 +0000 I have had Botox. And I say this with a lot of hesitation out of fear of being judged. My why? I was a lifeguard all through university and yes, I did wear sunscreen. But as any lifeguard knows, even with sunglasses there is a LOT of squinting. Coupled with the fact that I wear glasses (that I often forget to put on) there is more squinting. The dreaded 11’s started forming early in my 30’s. I try to stay in good health – eat well, exercise and manage mental health. Not out of vanity. I lost both my parents to cancer in my early 20’s and I understand well the connection between those things and well being. But I found despite taking care of myself, I’d get up in the morning feeling good and a tired, angry face was looking back at me. There was a disconnect between how I felt and what I was seeing. So I decided to get Botox. Maybe some would say mid-late 30’s is early for that, but I don’t regret it. I researched and found a wonderful doctor in my area that believes less is more and that is in line with what I was looking for. I think the aspect of being judged is the worst part of it but I agree with the other reader who said they view it the same as getting highlights or covering greys. I think it’s an individual choice and as long as you are doing it for you and not over doing it, I don’t really see a problem with it.

By: shannon fw Fri, 15 Apr 2022 17:54:01 +0000 Thank you for such a well balanced examination of the Botox question. I am 52 and do not get Botox, nor do I plan on doing so. While I do have crows feet, sun damage, and other fine lines (I am a California girl) I believe that aging naturally (and hopefully gracefully!) really is the path for me. I have two daughters in their 20’s, both of whom have heard the message of early Botox loud and clear. For them I want to model embracing who I am, naturally, and have them save their money for other things. I agree that the push to be wrinkle-free is similar to the goal of “being skinny” that diet culture really pushed on us, and it is also quite expensive, as most services and products aimed at women are. Choosing to live as healthy a lifestyle as possible brings me more joy, and I am privileged to have access to good food, water, and time in nature. This all being said, I also believe women should have the right to choose what is best for them, without stigma or shame, so no right or wrong choice here! Whatever makes you feel beautiful and confident is up to you!

By: Sarah Fri, 15 Apr 2022 15:06:47 +0000 I find the “embracing aging” aspect so interesting – I see Botox in the same sphere as highlighting hair/getting roots done: both are temporary, safe, there is room for error that can look terrible but if you go to someone who is appropriately trained this isn’t an issue, costs money (getting a partial balayage is MUCH more expensive than Botox in the city where I live)… the list goes on. Yet I rarely see articles about the pros and cons of getting hair highlighted, or hear from other women that I should not dye my hair and that I should “embrace aging”. There is SO MUCH judgment around getting injections – including in the tone of this article. I hate the framing of asking a woman who gets Botox if she “regrets it” when its something that wears off in 4 months – not at all a permanent procedure! I suspect that I’m in the majority of women who get Botox – I have wrinkles in a certain area of my face that bother me, and so I get Botox for them. The point isn’t even to look younger – the point is that I like the way I look without crows feet: awake and well rested! As an added bonus, I am not spending hundreds of dollars on eye creams and serums that promise results that never come (I’ve come to learn that eye creams promising to get rid of wrinkles are a massive, massive scam).

By: Laurie Fri, 15 Apr 2022 14:58:04 +0000 I was an early adapter. With three children, a busy law practice, an aerobics instructor and Board of Directors positions, I looked exhausted. Botox solved all that. It was so long ago (23 years), I didn’t even know what it was when the doctor recommended it. I have used it along with mostly vegan diet, clean skincare, and regular exercise as a way to maintain a youthful look. As a frequent public speaker (and let’s face it vain woman), it has increased my confidence. I get it twice a year in very small doses and with regular peels and facials, I feel good about my decision. I have never had a side effect so I guess I am lucky but I go to a trained nurse who understands my desire to look natural.

By: Kelly Thu, 14 Apr 2022 03:06:14 +0000 I go back and forth on this topic. I want to embrace aging, but I find myself doing everything I can to get the effect of botox without actually doing it. Someone here made the very valid point that botox actually saves her time and money, so now I’m back to considering it ?

By: Megan Wed, 13 Apr 2022 18:55:26 +0000 In reply to Lindsey.

Also considering it for my 11s. The other wrinkles I embrace as part of aging. But tired of looking like I’m concerned/scrunching my face when I’m not. I also think that seeing my face on zoom constantly 5 days a week has really contributed to my self consciousness about it. So far I haven’t pulled the trigger but considering it for sure.

By: Lindsey Wed, 13 Apr 2022 16:57:46 +0000 I decided to get Botox for the first time 4 months ago soon after my 37th birthday to treat my 11’s. I’ve always felt like one day when the time was right I would begin getting injections. The deep set wrinkles between my eyes were just really bothering me when I looked in the mirror. I’ve always been someone who uses Vitamin C, Retinol, won’t leave the house without sunscreen. I made calls to local spas to find the one I felt most comfortable with, and felt very at ease during my first appointment. My Esthetician started me out with a small dosage of Botox to not overdue it and I feel like the results look fairly “natural” on me. I also suffer from frequent tension headaches which have all but stopped. Forget the cosmetic results, that alone is enough to make me do it again! It’s a personal decision for everyone, but for me relaxing those lines on my face a little bit helps me feel more confident in my body.

By: Nic Wed, 13 Apr 2022 15:28:56 +0000 I work full time in biomedical research and have two young kids. I don’t have time for a 6 step skin care routine nor do I like the excessive bottles of lotion in my bathroom. I get Botox twice a year and it makes such a difference in the appearance of my skin with minimal effort. My dermatologist also prescribes retinol and recommends Vaseline as a moisturizer and spf during the day. That is my skin care/make up routine. I use two ingredients per year vs 100s of ingredients and multiple plastic bottles of lotions and potions that don’t do anything. It’s a minimal effort, minimal environmental impact, and minimal approach to skin care that is affordable when you breakdown what you’re actually spending per year: 2x Botox ($200) + 1 bottle of retinol ($100)= $500/year.
